What can I expect from my NuCalm session?

The NuCalm experience

NuCalm feels very much like drifting peacefully off to sleep, though you probably won’t actually fall asleep. Instead, you’ll hover at the edge of sleep, feeling weightless, and having your thoughts free to roam. Often, your mind is still wandering, while your body feels as if it is in deep sleep.

You'll feel your body start to get heavy; your breathing will become deeper; and your heart rate will slow down. Even if your mind is wandering the whole time, you'll notice that your body is still and doesn't want to move. This is because it's in recovery. Though you're not asleep, you'll feel disconnected from your environment.
The natural endpoint of your session is when you "reconnect" and feel like moving again. This is typically between 30min and an hour for beginners. As you use NuCalm more consistently, the natural endpoint will start to shorten as the amount of time needed for your autonomic nervous system to balance will decrease.

After NuCalm, you will feel calm yet energized, be focused and clear, and have a better night's sleep.

Falling Asleep

The intent of NuCalm is to take you theta brainwave length (the verge of sleep, similar to that feeling you have when you about to fall asleep, in-between awake and asleep). However, there is nothing stopping you from dipping into deep sleep. Your brain will drift into whatever state it needs for optimal recovery. It is normal for your mind to be wandering during the whole NuCalm, but you will notice that your body is still very still, with deep breathing, as it is in a state of deep recovery.

Crying or Feeling Emotional

NuCalm Tears are the body's way of releasing pent-up emotion. It may be a biochemical reaction induced simply by relaxation or by a suppressed memory or feeling. NuCalm has a way of bringing you to a place where emotions can not just be buried in the subconscious but actually dealt with and resolved. NuCalm was originally designed for patients with addiction and PTSD - it helps people overcome their difficult experiences in a physiological safe place to allow them to detach the strong negative emotion associated with the trauma/memory.

Feeling Tired After NuCalm

If you are feeling tired after NuCalm, your session may have been too short or was interrupted before your body reached homeostasis or internal balance. Try going to your natural endpoint next time which will allow your body to guide you out of a session vs the timer pulling you out of a very deep state where you may feel more groggy. As you use NuCalm more frequently, your body will become more balanced, and you will feel less tired.

Lucid or Vivid Dreaming

Lucid or vivid dreams are often a characteristic of the theta brainwave range. The NuCalm technology allows you to linger in that theta-alpha brainwave range (4-12Hz) where dreaming occurs. The alpha-theta crossover state induced by NuCalm is likely to cause lucid imagery or biographical memories, and most regular users of NuCalm report an increase in dream activity and dream intensity. Additionally, the theta brainwave threshold is the optimal range for creativity, visualization and mind programming. Some NuCalm users are often left inspired after spending time in this state of transcendence.

Flashbacks or Old Memories

Memory recollection or subconscious revelations are often characteristics of the theta brainwave range. It is beneficial to recall these memories in a biologically safe place to help dissociate any negative emotions from them.

Tingling or Twitching

Tingling sensations are associated with greater oxygenated blood flow. Twitching is a sign of muscles releasing tension. Both are associated with parasympathetic dominance. The twitching that you are feeling is actually muscles releasing built-up tension.

Deep Breathing

As NuCalm activates the parasympathetic nervous system, it also induces slow and deep diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing. This breathing is highly beneficial as it allows for more oxygen to enter your bloodstream and more carbon dioxide to leave.

Losing Track of Time

As your brainwaves quickly pace from faster to slower frequencies, it is normal to lose track of time during this temporary period of cognitive dissociation where temporal, physical, and spatial reasonings are splintered. So 50 minutes may indeed feel like 10 minutes.

Feeling Restless

Individuals who are sympathetically dominant and feel the need to be in control may initially feel uncomfortable in the deeply relaxed and vulnerable state induced by NuCalm. Multiple exposures will resolve this unrest as your nervous system balances and you surrender control.


The feeling of pressure or pain in your head during or after NuCalm is likely associated with a rush of oxygenated blood flow to your brain's frontal cortex. This blood flow is often blocked or reduced when stressed. A couple NuCalm sessions will open this path of blood flow. Hydrate before your next session.